A man cycled from the market to his house at an average speeds of 6kmph. If he left the market at 4pm and reached hos house at 5:15pm how far is his house from the market

To find the distance between the market and the man's house, we need to calculate the total time he spent cycling. We can then multiply this time by his average speed.

The man left the market at 4:00 pm and arrived at his house at 5:15 pm. Therefore, he spent 1 hour and 15 minutes or 1.25 hours cycling.

His average speed was 6 km/h. Multiplying his average speed by the time gives us the distance:

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 6 km/h × 1.25 h

Distance = 7.5 km

Therefore, the man's house is 7.5 km away from the market.

The journey took 1 hour and 15 minutes (5:15pm - 4:00pm = 1 hour, 15 minutes).

Since he cycled at an average speed of 6 km/h, the distance he traveled can be calculated using the formula: distance = speed x time.
Converting 1 hour and 15 minutes to hours, we get 1.25 hours.
Therefore, the distance is: 6 km/h x 1.25 hours = 7.5 km.
Hence, his house is 7.5 kilometers away from the market.

To find the distance between the market and the man's house, we first need to find the time it took for him to cycle from the market to his house.

The man left the market at 4pm and reached his house at 5:15pm. So, the time taken for the journey is 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Next, let's convert the time into minutes for easier calculations. Since 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, we have 1 hour and 15 minutes, which is a total of 75 minutes.

Now, we know that speed is equal to distance divided by time. In this case, the average speed of the man was 6 kmph, and the time was 75 minutes. However, we need to convert the time to hours before using the formula.

To convert minutes to hours, we divide the total minutes by 60: 75/60 = 1.25 hours.

Now we can use the speed formula to find the distance:

Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = 6 kmph * 1.25 hours
Distance = 7.5 kilometers

Therefore, the man's house is 7.5 kilometers away from the market.