What makes a source effective? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


it is accurate
it is accurate

it leads you to another source
it leads you to another source

it is presented in a written format
it is presented in a written format

it adds to your understanding of a topic
it adds to your understanding of a topic

it is interesting to you
it is interesting to you
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An effective source is one that:

1. **It is accurate**: Accuracy is paramount when considering the effectiveness of a source. An accurate source provides correct, verifiable, and reliable information which is critical for research, decision making, and forming knowledgeable opinions.

2. **It adds to your understanding of a topic**: An effective source should contribute meaningful content to your knowledge of a subject. It should be informative and enhance your comprehension, allowing you to gain a deeper or broader perspective on the topic.

While the other options may have their own merits (such as being interesting personally, leading you to another source, or being presented in a written format which might be preferred by some), they do not inherently determine the effectiveness of a source in an academic or professional context.