Wyatt has a points card for a movie theater.

He receives 25 rewards points just for signing up.
He earns 11.5 points for each visit to the movie theater.
He needs at least 230 points for a free movie ticket.

Which inequality can be used to determine xx, the minimum number of visits Wyatt needs to earn his first free movie ticket?
A. 230, is greater than or equal to, 11, point, 5, left bracket, 25, plus, x, right bracket230≥11.5(25+x)
B. 230, is less than or equal to, 11, point, 5, left bracket, 25, plus, x, right bracket230≤11.5(25+x)
C. 230, is greater than or equal to, 25, plus, 11, point, 5, x230≥25+11.5x
D. 230, is less than or equal to, 25, plus, 11, point, 5, x230≤25+11.5x

The correct inequality to determine the minimum number of visits Wyatt needs to earn his first free movie ticket is:

C. 230 ≥ 25 + 11.5x

This inequality represents the condition that Wyatt's total points (the 25 he got for signing up plus the 11.5 points he gets for each visit) must be greater than or equal to 230 for him to earn a free movie ticket. Here, x represents the number of visits he makes to the theater.