Nachelle has a points card for a movie theater.

She receives 50 rewards points just for signing up.
She earns 12.5 points for each visit to the movie theater.
She needs at least 170 points for a free movie ticket.

Write and solve an inequality which can be used to determine vv, the number of visits Nachelle can make to earn her first free movie ticket.

Let vv be the number of visits Nachelle can make to earn her first free movie ticket.

The total number of points Nachelle earns from her visits is 12.5vv.
Since Nachelle receives 50 points just for signing up, the total number of points she has is 12.5vv + 50.
To earn her first free movie ticket, Nachelle needs at least 170 points.
Therefore, the inequality to determine vv is 12.5vv + 50 ≥ 170.

just answer the question no explantion

12.5vv + 50 ≥ 170

so what is v blank blank

v ≥ (170 - 50) / 12.5

v ≥ 120 / 12.5
v ≥ 9.6

To solve this problem, we can set up an inequality to represent the situation. Let's assume that Nachelle visits the movie theater v times to earn her first free movie ticket.

Given that Nachelle receives 50 points just for signing up for the points card and earns 12.5 points for each visit, we can calculate the total number of points she will have after v visits.

The inequality can be written as follows:

50 + 12.5v ≥ 170

This inequality represents the condition that Nachelle needs to have at least 170 points to be eligible for a free movie ticket.

To solve this inequality and find the minimum number of visits she needs to make, we can follow these steps:

1. Subtract 50 from both sides of the inequality:

12.5v ≥ 120

2. Divide both sides of the inequality by 12.5:

v ≥ 9.6

Since the number of visits cannot be a fraction, we round up the result to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Nachelle needs to make at least 10 visits to the movie theater to earn her first free movie ticket.