i bite my tongue its a bad habit

Biting your tongue can be both a literal and a figurative expression. If you're talking about the literal act of biting your tongue frequently, this might be something you do accidentally due to stress, misalignment of your teeth, or simply out of habit when you're concentrating or in certain emotional states.

If it's an accidental bite that happens occasionally, it usually isn't a cause for concern. If it's a frequent issue, there could be underlying causes worth investigating, such as dental problems or even, though less commonly, neurological conditions that affect muscle control.

To address the habit, you might want to consider:

1. Mindfulness: Being more aware of when and why you bite your tongue might help you stop doing it. For example, if you notice that you bite your tongue when concentrating, try to keep your jaw slightly apart during these times.

2. Stress Management: If stress is a trigger, finding ways to reduce stress, like deep breathing techniques, yoga, or regular exercise, could help you quit the habit.

3. Dental Check: If the biting is due to dental issues, a dentist can help identify problems such as misaligned teeth or a bite that could be leading you to bite your tongue frequently.

4. Habit Reversal Training: This is a type of behavior therapy that helps you become more conscious of your tongue-biting and learn to replace it with a less harmful behavior.

5. Protect Your Tongue: In severe cases, you might need to wear a mouth guard, especially if you bite your tongue during sleep.

On the other hand, if by "biting your tongue" you mean the figurative expression that refers to holding back from speaking generally to avoid saying something inappropriate or harmful, this is a common social strategy. The advice here would be context-dependent; sometimes it's wise to remain silent, while other times it's important to speak up. If you find yourself holding back too often, it might be beneficial to explore ways to express yourself respectfully and assertively.

finish the lyrics

Of course, I'd be happy to help you finish the lyrics! Please provide the lyrics you have started with or let me know which song you're referring to, and I'll do my best to complete them for you. Keep in mind that my responses will be based on my knowledge as of my last update, and I may not have access to newly released songs or lyrics beyond that point.

Biting your tongue is indeed a common bad habit that many people struggle with. It can be both frustrating and painful. If you want to break this habit, here are a few explanations and tips to help you:

1. Mindfulness: Start by paying more attention to when and why you tend to bite your tongue. Notice if there are specific triggers or situations that make you more likely to do it. By being more aware of your actions, you can catch yourself before it happens.

2. Relaxation techniques: A common reason for tongue biting is stress or tension. Try incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. These techniques can help reduce stress levels and decrease the likelihood of tongue biting.

3. Chew gum or suck on candies: Having something in your mouth, like chewing gum or candies, can help redirect the habit of biting your tongue towards a more harmless action. This gives your mouth something else to focus on and decreases the chances of accidentally biting your tongue.

4. Dental check-up: Sometimes, biting your tongue can be a result of dental issues, such as misaligned teeth or a problematic bite. Consider scheduling a dental check-up to ensure there aren't any underlying issues that require treatment.

5. Be patient and persistent: Breaking a habit takes time and effort. Remember to be patient with yourself and keep trying, even if you have occasional setbacks. With practice and determination, you can overcome the habit of biting your tongue.

It's essential to mention that if you frequently bite your tongue and experience severe pain, bleeding, or any other concerning symptoms, it would be best to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and guidance.