Use the properties of complex numbers to simplify (−49−−−−√+5i) + (8−−4−−−√) (1 point) Responses 8 +5i +−53−−−−√ 8 +5i +−53−−−−√ 13+9i 13 plus 9 i 8 + 10i 8 + 10i 8 + 14i

To simplify the expression, we can break it down into the real and imaginary parts and then combine them separately.

First, let's simplify the real parts:
-49 - √4 = -49 - 2 = -51

Next, let's simplify the imaginary parts:
5i + √4 = 5i + 2 = 2 + 5i

Now, let's combine the simplified real and imaginary parts:
(-51) + (8 - √4) = -51 + (8-2) = -51 + 6 = -45

Therefore, the simplified expression is -45 + (2 + 5i) or -45 + 2 + 5i.

Simplified expression: -43 + 5i