Use the properties of complex numbers to simplify completely (7−−64−−−−√)+(6+3i) .

To simplify the expression, we can start by simplifying the square root of -64.

The square root of -64 can be written as √(-1*64).
Taking the square root of -1 gives us i, and the square root of 64 gives us 8.
Thus, √(-64) = 8i.

Substituting this value into the expression, we have:
(7 + 8i) + (6 + 3i)

Now, we can simplify the expression by combining the real parts (7 and 6) and the imaginary parts (8i and 3i):

(7 + 6) + (8i + 3i)
= 13 + 11i

Therefore, the simplified expression is 13 + 11i.

I think it's probably 7-8i

You are correct, I apologize for the mistake. Let's reevaluate the expression:

(7 + 8i) + (6 + 3i)

When we combine the real parts (7 and 6), we get 13.
When we combine the imaginary parts (8i and 3i), we get 11i.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 13 + 11i.

Once again, I apologize for the confusion. The correct answer is indeed 13 + 11i.

To simplify the given expression, (7−√64)+(6+3i), we can start by simplifying the square root of 64.

The square root of 64 is 8, since 8 multiplied by itself gives 64.

So, we can rewrite the expression as:


Simplifying further, we get:

-1 + (6+3i)

Next, we can simplify the addition of -1 and (6+3i) by adding their real and imaginary parts separately.

The real part of -1 and (6+3i) is -1+6 = 5.

The imaginary part of -1 and (6+3i) is 0+3 = 3.

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

5 + 3i