Identify and describe 6 pieces of equipment you used during your physical activity. Explain how to use the equipment properly. Write each piece with 1-2 sentences

1. Treadmill: This equipment is used for running or walking indoors. To use it properly, adjust the speed and incline according to your fitness level, step on the belt, and start walking or running while maintaining good posture and avoiding bouncing or leaning on the handrails.

2. Dumbbells: Dumbbells are handheld weights used for strength training. To use them properly, hold one in each hand with a secure grip, keep your body in a stable position, and perform exercises involving controlled movements, such as bicep curls or shoulder presses.

3. Yoga mat: A yoga mat provides cushioning and grip during yoga or floor exercises. To use it properly, lay the mat on a flat surface, ensuring it doesn't slide, and position yourself on the mat for yoga poses or floor exercises while maintaining balance and proper alignment.

4. Resistance bands: These elastic bands provide resistance during strength training exercises. To use them properly, hold the bands securely with both hands or anchor them to a fixed object, and perform exercises by stretching or pulling the bands while maintaining proper form and controlled movements.

5. Jump rope: A jump rope is used for cardiovascular exercise and improving coordination. To use it properly, hold the handles firmly, position yourself with proper posture, and rotate the rope smoothly while jumping with both feet, gradually increasing speed and complexity of jumps as you become more adept.

6. Exercise ball: Also known as a stability ball, it is used for core strength exercises and balance training. To use it properly, choose the right size for your height, sit or lie on the ball while maintaining stability and good posture, and perform exercises such as crunches, planks, or back extensions by engaging your core muscles to stabilize your body on the ball.