How do the Golgi apparatus and vesicles interact in an animal cell?

Plant vs Animal Cells: The Difference Between Plant & Animal Cells

The Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for transport, with the vesicles transporting the packages to various locations
The Golgi apparatus contains DNA and serves as the cell's primary genetic material, AKA genome.
The Golgi apparatus and vesicles are solely responsible for energy production in the cell.
The Golgi apparatus is primarily involved in protein synthesis, and the vesicles package the proteins for transport in the cell.

d. The Golgi apparatus is primarily involved in protein synthesis, and the vesicles package the proteins for transport in the cell.

In an animal cell, the Golgi apparatus works closely with vesicles to transport proteins. After proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum, they are transported to the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus then modifies, sorts, and packages these proteins into vesicles. These vesicles transport the packaged proteins to various locations within the cell or release them outside the cell through exocytosis. This coordination between the Golgi apparatus and vesicles ensures that proteins reach their intended destinations and perform their specific functions in the cell.

Loops of bacterial DNA that scientists use to make recombined DNA are called plasmids.



The correct answer is d) The Golgi apparatus is primarily involved in protein synthesis, and the vesicles package the proteins for transport in the cell.

To understand how the Golgi apparatus and vesicles interact in an animal cell, let's break it down step by step:

1. Protein synthesis: Ribosomes in the cell synthesize proteins, which are then transported to the Golgi apparatus.

2. Processing in the Golgi apparatus: Once the proteins reach the Golgi apparatus, they undergo a series of modifications. This includes the addition of sugars, lipids, or other molecules to the proteins, which helps determine their function and destination within the cell.

3. Sorting and packaging: After processing, the Golgi apparatus sorts the proteins based on their final destination. It packages the proteins into small vesicles, which are membrane-bound sacs.

4. Transport of vesicles: The Golgi apparatus releases the vesicles, laden with the packaged proteins, into the cytoplasm of the cell. Depending on the protein's destination, the vesicles can move to different parts of the cell through various transport mechanisms.

5. Delivery and release: The vesicles fuse with the target organelles or cellular membranes, allowing the proteins to be released and utilized. The proteins may be incorporated into the cell membrane, transported to specific organelles, or secreted out of the cell via exocytosis.

In summary, the Golgi apparatus plays a vital role in modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins synthesized in the cell. It uses vesicles to transport these packaged proteins to their specific destinations within the cell.