What did kings such as Louis XIV of France seek?(1 point)


to preserve traditional institutions

to centralize government around themselves

to separate church and state

to create representative institutions

to centralize government around themselves

what is the correct answer

The correct answer is: to centralize government around themselves. Louis XIV of France sought to consolidate power and authority in the monarchy, making himself the absolute ruler and centralizing all decision-making within the government.

Kings such as Louis XIV of France sought to centralize government around themselves. To arrive at this answer, we can look at the historical context and the actions taken by Louis XIV. During his reign, which lasted from 1643 to 1715, Louis XIV implemented policies and practices that aimed to consolidate power in the monarchy. He was known for his absolute rule, in which he exerted control over various aspects of government, economy, and society.

Louis XIV sought to diminish the influence of the nobility and regional authorities by centralizing power at the royal court in Versailles. He established a strong bureaucracy that answered directly to him, weakening the traditional feudal institutions in France. By doing so, Louis XIV effectively shifted power towards the monarchy, strengthening his control over the country.

This desire to centralize government around themselves was a common objective among many monarchs of that time. It allowed them to exert more influence, maintain order and stability, and consolidate their authority.