Which statement best compares the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great? (1 point)

A. • Louis XIV and Peter the Great were both successful absolute rulers.
B. • Louis XIV ruled by relying on a large bureaucracy, while Peter the Great was independent of all administration.
C. • Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute power, while Peter the Great was closer to a true absolute ruler.
D. • Louis XIV needed to work constantly to expand his power, while Peter the Great was the unquestioned ruler of Russia.

D. • Louis XIV needed to work constantly to expand his power, while Peter the Great was the unquestioned ruler of Russia.

The statement that best compares the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great is option D. Louis XIV needed to work constantly to expand his power, while Peter the Great was the unquestioned ruler of Russia.

To compare the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great, we will analyze the statements provided.

A. Louis XIV and Peter the Great were both successful absolute rulers.
This statement suggests that both Louis XIV and Peter the Great were successful in their absolutist rule. However, it does not provide any comparison between their methods or characteristics of their rule. Therefore, we can eliminate option A.

B. Louis XIV ruled by relying on a large bureaucracy, while Peter the Great was independent of all administration.
This statement contrasts the ruling styles of Louis XIV and Peter the Great. It suggests that Louis XIV implemented a system where he relied on a large bureaucracy to govern and administer his rule, while Peter the Great maintained independence from any administration. This comparison indicates different approaches to exercising absolute power. However, this option does not explicitly address the success or effectiveness of their absolute rule, so it may not be the best answer. Let's keep it as a possibility for now.

C. Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute power, while Peter the Great was closer to a true absolute ruler.
This statement compares Louis XIV's rule, suggesting that he created the impression of absolute power but perhaps did not truly possess it, with Peter the Great who is described as closer to a genuine absolute ruler. This comparison raises questions about the extent of Louis XIV's power and implies that Peter the Great had more substantial control. Hence, option C compares their levels of absolutism, making it a strong possibility.

D. Louis XIV needed to work constantly to expand his power, while Peter the Great was the unquestioned ruler of Russia.
This statement contrasts the efforts required by Louis XIV to extend his power with the unquestioned rule of Peter the Great in Russia. While it focuses on the expansion of power and the stability of their rule within their respective domains, it does not specifically address the concept of absolutism. Thus, option D does not directly compare their absolutist practices and seems less relevant.

Considering the given options, C provides the best comparison of the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great, as it directly addresses the nature of their rule and their levels of true absolute power.

Therefore, the answer is C. • Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute power, while Peter the Great was closer to a true absolute ruler.