how do you sports features stories differ from sport news stories?

a Feature stories answer the five journalistic questions whereas sports news stories do not.
b Feature stories, you statistics in short sentences where is sports news do not.
c Feature stories have a highly developed ending. Where is sports news Stories do not
d Features stories have the least important information at the end. Where is sports news stories do not

The correct option is: c) Feature stories have a highly developed ending, whereas sports news stories do not.

Sports feature stories and sports news stories are both types of journalistic writing focused on sports events and athletes. However, there are some key differences between the two.

Sports news stories typically provide objective, concise information about recent sports events, such as game results, scores, player performances, and noteworthy plays. They aim to quickly deliver the most important facts and updates. These stories usually follow the inverted pyramid style, where the most crucial information is presented at the beginning, and the story becomes less essential as it progresses.

On the other hand, sports feature stories go beyond reporting the basic facts and provide a more detailed and immersive account of an event or an athlete's journey. Feature stories often focus on the human interest, emotions, and background stories related to sports events or athletes.

The answer option "c) Feature stories have a highly developed ending, whereas sports news stories do not" is correct because feature stories usually strive to create a compelling narrative with a well-crafted ending that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. They often include personal anecdotes, in-depth interviews, and storytelling techniques to engage the reader. In contrast, sports news stories prioritize the delivery of factual information and do not necessarily require a highly developed or emotionally impactful ending.

To differentiate between sports feature stories and sports news stories, you can also consider other factors such as the presence of statistics, the structure of the story, and the level of detail provided. However, the most significant distinction lies in the level of storytelling and the development of the ending in feature stories.