Which quadrant has negative x -values and positive y -values?(1 point)






The quadrant that has negative x-values and positive y-values is the second quadrant, also known as Quadrant II. To understand how I arrived at this answer, let's briefly review the concept of quadrants.

A coordinate plane is divided into four quadrants, labeled as Quadrant I, II, III, and IV. These quadrants help determine the signs of the x and y values for different points on the plane. Each quadrant has a different combination of positive and negative x and y values.

In Quadrant II, the x-values are negative because they are to the left of the y-axis, and the y-values are positive because they are above the x-axis. This is the only quadrant where the x-values are negative and y-values are positive.

Quadrant II can be visualized as follows:

| y-axis
Q2 | Q1
Q3 | Q4
| x-axis

So, the answer to your question is Quadrant II.