BBS were so rudimentary that many of them used only text before there were any what available? (1 point) Responses IP addresses IP addresses internet service providers (ISP) internet service providers (ISP) graphical user interfaces (GUI) graphical user interfaces (GUI) marketing information system (MKIS)

Before there were any graphical user interfaces (GUI) available.

What are two of the most important functions in business? (1 point) Responses e-commerce and newsgroups e-commerce and newsgroups marketing and finance marketing and finance URLs and ISPs URLs and ISPs advertising and systems advertising and systems

Marketing and finance are two of the most important functions in business.

What term refers to the web address that allows you to identify a file on a computer network, such as a website? (1 point) Responses WWWs WWWs IPs IPs URLs URLs ISPs

The term that refers to the web address that allows you to identify a file on a computer network, such as a website, is URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).

_____ ensures that a business has enough money to run its day-to-day operations. (1 point) Responses Advertising Advertising Finance Finance Marketing Marketing Creativity

Finance ensures that a business has enough money to run its day-to-day operations.

Before the time of social media and back when dial-up connections were commonplace, what term was used to refer to a computer or application on the internet that allowed users to share files and messages in a single place? (1 point) Responses marketing information system (MKIS) marketing information system (MKIS) bulletin board systems (BBS) bulletin board systems (BBS) internet service providers (ISPs) internet service providers (ISPs) World Wide Web (WWW) World Wide Web (WWW)

Before the time of social media and when dial-up connections were commonplace, the term used to refer to a computer or application on the internet that allowed users to share files and messages in a single place was "bulletin board systems (BBS)".

BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) were indeed quite rudimentary and often relied solely on text. However, before there were any graphical user interfaces (GUI), which is the correct answer, there were other elements that gradually contributed to the development of more advanced computer systems.

Firstly, IP addresses were not the answer because they are part of the technical infrastructure of the internet, which came into existence after BBS. IP addresses are numerical labels assigned to devices connected to a computer network, allowing for identification and communication between them.

Secondly, internet service providers (ISP) were not available before BBS. ISPs are companies that provide individuals and organizations with access to the internet. BBS emerged before widespread internet accessibility and relied upon dial-up modems and telephone lines for connecting users to each other.

Lastly, while a marketing information system (MKIS) is a concept within marketing management, it is not relevant to the development of BBS or the availability of graphical user interfaces.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is that BBS were so rudimentary that many of them used only text before there were any graphical user interfaces (GUI) available. GUIs introduced visual elements such as icons, windows, and menus, making computer systems more user-friendly and intuitive.