Imagine that you have a new product that you need to tell potential clients about. Figure out the product and what is new and different about it. For instance, if it is a car, is it a good buy because of its environmental features or because it is a sleek new sports model? If it’s a kind of cereal, is it a new flavor or does it stay crunchy in milk longer than most?

Once you have decided what information you want to share about your product, create a jingle for it. These are usually brief and have a lot of the characteristics of poetry, like rhyming and alliteration (repeating the same first letter: “Silly Sally’s Slushy Smoothies), etc. You can do a quick Internet search on poetic techniques for ideas. You should not have more than four to six lines since jingles are short. Be sure that the jingle emphasizes (shows) the elements of your product that you want to highlight.

Then make a radio commercial using the jingle. Imagine that you have 30 seconds to get the information about your product out, and create a recording of it. Your commercial should also use at least two sound effects. Many are available online, or you can create them the old-fashioned way with household objects. Make sure that all of the words to the jingle are clear in your recording.

To create a radio commercial for your new product, follow these steps:

1. Identify your product: Determine what your new product is and what sets it apart from others in the market. Consider its unique features, benefits, or key selling points.

2. Craft a jingle: Write a catchy jingle that captures the essence of your product. Incorporate poetic techniques like rhyming, alliteration, or creative wordplay. Keep it concise and memorable, with no more than four to six lines. Ensure the jingle highlights the key elements you want to emphasize.

3. Create a script: Prepare a script for your 30-second radio commercial, including the jingle and additional information about your product. Clearly outline the message you want to convey, making sure the jingle aligns with the product's selling points.

4. Choose sound effects: Select at least two sound effects to enhance your commercial. You can search for sound effects online or create them using everyday household objects. Ensure the chosen sound effects complement the product and add depth to the message.

5. Practice and record: Practice reading your script aloud to ensure a smooth delivery. Set up a recording device, such as a microphone or a smartphone, and record your commercial. Speak clearly and enunciate the jingle lines to ensure they are easily understood.

6. Edit and finalize: Review your recording and make any necessary edits to ensure it meets the desired quality. Pay attention to volume levels, background noise, and overall clarity. Once satisfied, save the final recording in a suitable format for sharing.

Remember, the goal of your commercial is to effectively communicate the unique features and benefits of your new product through a catchy jingle and compelling message.