Simplify 6 (3q - 4) + 18 - 12q - 7 (4q + 5).

To simplify the expression 6 (3q - 4) + 18 - 12q - 7 (4q + 5), we need to multiply the terms inside the parentheses first and perform any necessary operations afterwards.

Starting with the expression inside the first parentheses: 3q - 4.
We'll distribute the coefficient 6 to each term inside the parentheses:
6 * 3q = 18q
6 * -4 = -24.

So now we have: 18q - 24 + 18 - 12q - 7 (4q + 5).

Next, we'll multiply the terms inside the second parentheses: 4q + 5.
We'll distribute the coefficient -7 to each term inside the parentheses:
-7 * 4q = -28q
-7 * 5 = -35.

So now our expression becomes: 18q - 24 + 18 - 12q - 28q - 35.

Now we can combine like terms:
(18q - 12q - 28q) = -22q.
(-24 + 18) = -6.

Our simplified expression is: -22q - 6 - 35.

Finally, we can combine like terms again:
(-22q - 6 - 35) = -22q - 41.

Therefore, the simplified expression is -22q - 41.