Simplify 6(3q−4)+18−12q−7(4q+5).(1 point)


Starting with the expression 6(3q−4)+18−12q−7(4q+5), we can simplify it step by step:

First, distribute 6 to the terms inside the parentheses:
= 18q - 24 + 18 - 12q - 28q - 35

Next, combine like terms:
= (18q - 12q - 28q) + (-24 + 18 - 35)
= -22q - 41

Therefore, the simplified expression is -22q - 41.

To simplify the expression 6(3q - 4) + 18 - 12q - 7(4q + 5), we need to distribute the coefficients.

First, we distribute the coefficient 6 to the terms inside the parentheses:
6 * 3q = 18q
6 * -4 = -24

The expression becomes: 18q - 24 + 18 - 12q - 7(4q + 5)

Next, we distribute the coefficient -7 to terms inside the parentheses:
-7 * 4q = -28q
-7 * 5 = -35

The expression becomes: 18q - 24 + 18 - 12q - 28q - 35

Now, we can combine like terms:
-12q - 28q = -40q

The expression simplifies to: 18q - 24 - 35 + 18 - 40q

Combining like terms again:
18q - 40q = -22q

The expression becomes: -22q - 24 - 35 + 18

Finally, combining like terms one last time:
-24 - 35 = -59

The simplified expression is: -22q - 59 + 18.

To simplify the expression 6(3q-4) + 18 - 12q - 7(4q+5), you need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Step 1: Distribute the multiplication.
First, distribute 6 to (3q-4) and distribute -7 to (4q+5):

6(3q-4) = 18q - 24
-7(4q+5) = -28q - 35

Now the expression becomes:

(18q - 24) + 18 - 12q - (28q + 35)

Step 2: Combine like terms.
Combine the terms with the same variable and its corresponding power:

(18q - 12q) + (-28q) + (-24 + 18 - 35)

Simplifying this expression further:

6q + (-28q) - 41

Finally, we can combine the like terms:

-22q - 41

Therefore, the simplified form of 6(3q-4) + 18 - 12q - 7(4q+5) is -22q - 41.