Draw a magnet suspended a certain distance above an iron object but without lifting idiot

To draw a magnet suspended above an iron object without physically lifting it, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by gathering the necessary materials: a magnet, an iron object (such as a paperclip or a nail), and a flat surface (like a table or a desk).

2. Place the iron object on the flat surface. Make sure it's stable and won't roll or move easily.

3. Take the magnet and hold it above the iron object, aligning the poles of the magnet with the iron object. Make sure the magnet is oriented correctly, with the north pole facing the iron object.

4. Slowly lower the magnet towards the iron object without touching it. As the magnet approaches the iron object, you should start to notice a magnetic force between them.

5. Continue to lower the magnet until it reaches a certain distance above the iron object (the desired distance you mentioned). At this point, the magnet should appear suspended in mid-air, held up by the magnetic force between the magnet and the iron object.

It's important to note that the strength of the magnetic force will vary depending on the strength of the magnet and the properties of the iron object. Some iron objects may not be affected by the magnetic force enough to suspend the magnet, while others may have stronger magnetic properties.

Please keep in mind that interactions with magnets can vary, and it's always a good idea to experiment and observe the behavior of the magnet and iron object to achieve the desired result while ensuring safety.