A horseshoe magnet is moved toward a pile of iron shavings. The iron shavings divide and attach to both ends of the magnet. How does the kinetic energy of the system change? (1 point)


Kinetic energy increases because iron shavings move in the opposite direction of magnetic force.
Kinetic energy increases because iron shavings move in the opposite direction of magnetic force.

Kinetic energy decreases because iron shavings move in the opposite direction of magnetic force.
Kinetic energy decreases because iron shavings move in the opposite direction of magnetic force.

Kinetic energy decreases because iron shavings move in the direction of magnetic force.
Kinetic energy decreases because iron shavings move in the direction of magnetic force.

Kinetic energy increases because iron shavings move in the direction of magnetic force.
Kinetic energy increases because iron shavings move in the direction of magnetic force.
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Kinetic energy increases because iron shavings move in the opposite direction of magnetic force.