What does a code of conduct include

A secret code for internet users
The conduct that should be used with the code
Set of rules for behavior when using the internet
A rule that tells you the code

A code of conduct typically includes guidelines and principles that outline the expected behavior of individuals within a specific context or community. In the case of the internet, a code of conduct may include the following:

1. Respect: Promoting respectful and inclusive dialogue while avoiding derogatory or offensive language, hate speech, or harassment.
2. Privacy and Security: Encouraging users to respect the privacy and security of others by not sharing personal information without consent or engaging in hacking or cyberattacks.
3. Intellectual Property: Respecting copyright and intellectual property rights by not plagiarizing or illegally sharing copyrighted material.
4. Cyberbullying: Prohibiting any form of online bullying, harassment, or intimidation.
5. Online Etiquette: Encouraging users to communicate politely, engage in constructive discussions, and avoid disruptive behavior like spamming or trolling.
6. Legal Compliance: Abiding by local, national, and international laws when using the internet, including regulations related to fraud, obscenity, defamation, and hate speech.
7. Reporting and Enforcement: Outlining the process of reporting violations, consequences for breaching the code, and how enforcement will be handled.
8. Accessibility: Promoting the creation of online content and platforms that are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
9. Responsible Use: Encouraging users to be mindful of their online activities, avoid spreading misinformation, and engage in responsible online behavior.
10. Prohibition of Illegal Activities: Explicitly stating that any illegal activities, such as hacking, malware distribution, or involvement in illicit online activities, are strictly forbidden.

It is common for organizations or communities to communicate and make participants aware of the code of conduct and its guidelines through various means such as website pages, community forums, or specific agreements that users have to read and accept.