n your own words, summarize the overall strategy involved in defeating the Germans in Europe from when the U.S. entered the war, until after D-Day.

The overall strategy in defeating the Germans in Europe after the U.S. entered the war until after D-Day involved a combination of strategic planning, military operations, and coordinated efforts with Allied forces. Firstly, the strategy focused on weakening Germany economically and logistically by targeting their industrial infrastructure through intense bombing campaigns. This aimed to disrupt their ability to produce weapons and supplies and hinder their overall war effort.

Simultaneously, the Allies worked on securing the control of the Atlantic Ocean to ensure the safe passage of troops, equipment, and supplies from the United States to Europe. This involved conducting naval operations to protect convoys from German U-boat attacks, along with developing new technologies like sonar and radar to enhance maritime reconnaissance and detection capabilities.

In terms of military operations, the Allies launched multiple offensives to gain territory and push the German forces back. One notable operation was the invasion of Italy in 1943, which aimed to divert German forces away from the Eastern Front and weaken their defense. This operation succeeded in removing Italy from the Axis powers, but progress was slow due to challenging terrain and strong German resistance.

The key turning point came with the successful Normandy landings on June 6, 1944, known as D-Day. This massive amphibious invasion involved coordinated efforts from American, British, and Canadian troops to establish a foothold in German-occupied France. D-Day marked the opening of a second front in Europe, which put significant pressure on German forces by dividing their attention and resources.

Following D-Day, the Allied forces engaged in a series of intense battles and offensives, including the Battle of the Bulge, to further weaken and push back the German forces. They strategically employed a combination of air power, ground assaults, and armored warfare to reduce German strongholds and liberate territories, ultimately leading to the collapse of the German defense.

Overall, the strategy involved a comprehensive approach to target German infrastructure, secure naval supremacy, conduct military offensives, and cooperate with Allied forces, leading to the eventual defeat of the Germans in Europe.