Which group made up the majority of white Southerners?

(1 point)



middle class
middle class

small farmers

small farmers

A chart shows cotton production in Mississippi from 1800–1859.The approximate data values read as follows:

0 pounds in 1800
60 million pounds in 1833
190 million pounds in 1839
190 million pounds in 1849
525 million pounds in 1859
Use the table to answer the question.

Which is the most likely cause of the spike in cotton production in Mississippi in the mid-1800s shown on the chart?
(1 point)

the growth in demand for cotton in the North and Europe
the growth in demand for cotton in the North and Europe

the introduction of new irrigation methods to the region
the introduction of new irrigation methods to the region

the invention of the cotton gin
the invention of the cotton gin

the increase in number of immigrant-owned farms