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In Macbeth, is Lady Macbeth involved in the plot against Banquo? Why or why not?

Yes, Lady Macbeth is indirectly involved in the plot against Banquo in Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Although she does not directly participate in the murder of Banquo, she plays a crucial role in convincing Macbeth to carry out the deed.

After Macbeth becomes king, he becomes paranoid about the prophecy that Banquo's descendants will inherit the throne. In Act 3, Scene 2, Macbeth decides to hire murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. However, he does not initially inform Lady Macbeth about his plan.

Lady Macbeth becomes intrigued by her husband's disturbed state of mind and desires to know what is troubling him. In Act 3, Scene 4, she questions Macbeth about his concerns and urges him to confide in her. Eventually, Macbeth reveals his plan to have Banquo and Fleance killed.

Upon learning of Macbeth's intentions, Lady Macbeth does not discourage him or try to dissuade him from proceeding with the murders. Instead, she supports and encourages his actions. She says, "O, never / Shall sun that morrow see!" (3.2.46-47), expressing her approval of the elimination of Banquo and his lineage. Lady Macbeth's acceptance and encouragement of Macbeth's plans implicate her indirectly in the plot against Banquo.

Additionally, it can be inferred that Lady Macbeth is involved in the plot against Banquo through her manipulative and persuasive nature. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth demonstrates her ability to influence Macbeth's decisions by questioning his masculinity and appealing to his ambition. Her previous manipulation of Macbeth to commit regicide suggests that she has the power to influence his actions once again.

While Lady Macbeth does not directly participate in the murder of Banquo, her knowledge, approval, and manipulation of Macbeth make her complicit in the plot against Banquo.