Give a specific example of an autotroph and explain by what process it creates its own food.

A specific example of an autotroph is a spinach plant. Spinach plants create their own food through the process of photosynthesis. This process involves using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose, a simple sugar that serves as a source of energy for the plant.

In detail, the spinach plant has chlorophyll pigments present in its cells. These pigments capture sunlight and convert it into chemical energy. The plant's roots absorb water and minerals from the soil, while carbon dioxide is obtained from the air through tiny openings called stomata on the leaves.

During photosynthesis, the chlorophyll in the spinach plant's chloroplasts converts the absorbed sunlight energy into chemical energy, which is used to break down water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is released back into the atmosphere as a by-product, while the hydrogen is utilized to convert carbon dioxide into glucose.

The glucose produced during the process of photosynthesis is then utilized by the plant as a source of energy for various life processes, such as growth, reproduction, and cellular respiration. Additionally, excess glucose is stored as starch in different parts of the plant, such as the roots or stems, to be used in times of limited sunlight or when needed for growth. Overall, this ability to synthesize their own food through photosynthesis allows the spinach plant to survive and thrive as an autotroph.