Describe this number line and the numbers and fractions shown.

A number line going from negative 2 to positive 2 in increments of 1. There are 4 equal spaces between each number.

The number line starts at negative 2 and ends at positive 2. It is divided into increments of 1, meaning that there are numbers -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2 marked on the line. Each of these numbers is equally spaced apart, with 4 equal spaces between each number. These spaces can represent fractions or decimals. For example, between -2 and -1, there are 4 equal spaces, representing the numbers -1.75, -1.5, -1.25, and -1. Similarly, between 0 and 1, there are the spaces 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and so on. The number line accurately represents the integers from -2 to 2 and provides means to represent fractions or decimals between these integers.