blue vegetables

There are several blue vegetables, including:

1. Blue potatoes: There are varieties of potatoes like the "All Blue" or "Purple Peruvian," which have blue to purple-colored skin and flesh. They retain their color even after cooking.

2. Blue corn: Blue corn is a variety of corn that has a bluish color. It is often used to make tortilla chips or ground into flour for baking purposes.

3. Blue tomatoes: Some types of tomatoes, known as "Blue Tomatoes" or "Indigo Rose," have been bred to have a bluish-purple color. However, they still taste like regular tomatoes.

4. Blue cauliflower: Blue cauliflower, also known as "Graffiti cauliflower," has a vibrant purple-blue hue. It has a similar taste and texture to regular cauliflower.

5. Blue peas: Blue peas, such as the "King Blue" or "Blue Pod," have a blue color on the seeds and pods. They can be used like regular peas in dishes.

It's important to note that while these vegetables may appear blue, they may turn green or a different color when cooked.