How do Bedouin nomads live?

(1 point)

They move from place to place with their animals.

They move from place to place with their animals.

They raise crops in places where there is water.

They raise crops in places where there is water.

They trade along busy land and sea routes.

They trade along busy land and sea routes.

They manufacture and sell iron tools and weapons.

They move from place to place with their animals.


How did Muhammad change the Kaaba?

(1 point)

He had it torn down to the ground.

He had it torn down to the ground.

He added statues of traditional gods.

He added statues of traditional gods.

He turned it into an Islamic holy site.

He turned it into an Islamic holy site.

He moved it from Mecca to Medina.

He turned it into an Islamic holy site.

Bedouin nomads live by moving from place to place with their animals. This lifestyle is known as nomadism. To understand how Bedouin nomads live, we can look at their traditional way of life.

Firstly, Bedouin nomads rely heavily on their livestock, such as camels, goats, and sheep. These animals provide them with milk, meat, and wool, which are essential for their survival. The nomads move their animals to different grazing areas in search of food and water. This constant movement allows the animals to graze on fresh pastures and prevents overgrazing.

Secondly, Bedouin nomads have adapted their lifestyle to the desert environment. They have developed techniques to find water sources in arid regions, such as digging wells and using underground water channels called qanats. They prioritize areas with water for their camps and grazing lands.

Thirdly, although Bedouin nomads are primarily focused on animal husbandry, they may also engage in limited agriculture. They cultivate crops in places where water is available, such as oases or near rivers. These crops typically include dates, vegetables, and grains. However, the nomads' dependence on livestock remains their primary means of sustenance.

Trading is another important aspect of Bedouin nomadic life. They have historically engaged in trade along busy land and sea routes, exchanging goods such as spices, textiles, and livestock. This interaction with other communities through trade helps them acquire necessary resources that may not be available in their specific region.

While the manufacture and sale of iron tools and weapons are not exclusive to Bedouin nomads, it is possible that some individuals within the community engage in these activities. However, it is not a defining characteristic of their lifestyle.

In summary, Bedouin nomads live by maintaining a mobile lifestyle with their animals, relying on them for sustenance and economic activities such as trade. Their ability to adapt to the desert environment and utilize available water sources is crucial for their survival.