Last year Jess earned $8.50 an hour at work. After a raise, she now earns $9.85 an hour. What is the percent change in her hourly wages? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.(1 point)


15 point 8 8 percent

13 point 7 1 percent

0 point 1 3 7 1 percent


To find the percent change in Jess's hourly wages, we need to calculate the difference between her old and new hourly wages, and then divide that difference by her old hourly wage. Finally, we multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Her old hourly wage was $8.50 and her new hourly wage is $9.85, so the difference is $9.85 - $8.50 = $1.35.

Now we divide $1.35 by $8.50: $1.35 / $8.50 ≈ 0.1588.

Lastly, we multiply 0.1588 by 100 to express it as a percentage: 0.1588 * 100 = 15.88.

Therefore, the percent change in Jess's hourly wages is 15.88%.