Last year Jess earned $8.50

an hour at work. After a raise, she now earns $9.85
an hour. What is the percent change in her hourly wages? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth

To find the percent change in Jess's hourly wages, we can use the formula:

Percent Change = (New Value - Old Value) / Old Value * 100

Plugging in the values, we get:

Percent Change = (9.85 - 8.50) / 8.50 * 100

Simplifying this expression gives us:

Percent Change = 1.35 / 8.50 * 100

Percent Change = 0.1588 * 100

Percent Change = 15.88

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the percent change in Jess's hourly wages is 15.88%.

To calculate the percent change in Jess's hourly wages, we need to find the difference between her old and new wages and then express it as a percentage of her old wage.

Step 1: Calculate the difference in wages.
New wage - Old wage = $9.85 - $8.50 = $1.35

Step 2: Express the difference as a percentage of the old wage.
(Difference / Old wage) * 100 = ($1.35 / $8.50) * 100 = 0.1588 * 100 ≈ 15.88

Therefore, the percent change in Jess's hourly wages is approximately 15.88%.

To find the percent change in Jess's hourly wages, we need to calculate the difference between her old wage and her new wage, and then express that difference as a percentage of her old wage.

First, we find the difference between her new wage and her old wage:
Difference in wages = New wage - Old wage
Difference in wages = $9.85 - $8.50

Next, we express the difference as a percentage of her old wage:
Percent change = (Difference in wages / Old wage) * 100

Substituting the values, we get:
Percent change = (($9.85 - $8.50) / $8.50) * 100

Now we can calculate the percentage change:
Percent change = ($1.35 / $8.50) * 100

To round our answer to the nearest hundredth, we can use a calculator or perform the division and then round the result:
Percent change = 15.8823529412...%

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the percent change in Jess's hourly wages is approximately 15.88%.