The 3D pre-design pool shape before construction is mainly based on Australia Brisbane unique preference ranking that, under the condition of an allocated shape keeping a 1:2 ratio, can fill any of the space as long as it does not exit out of the backyard.

rate this out oif 10
and give me 10/10 version

I would rate this description a 6 out of 10. Although it provides some information about the 3D pre-design pool shape and its relationship to Brisbane's unique preferences, it lacks clarity and could benefit from additional details. Additionally, the sentence structure could be improved for better readability.

A revised 10/10 version could be:

"The 3D pre-design pool shape in Brisbane, Australia, takes into account the region's specific preferences. It maintains a 1:2 ratio while maximizing the use of available space within the backyard. This ensures that the shape of the pool complements the surroundings without extending beyond the property boundaries."