A scientist is researching what happens when a neutral metal sphere located on an insulated stand is touched by a negatively charged rod. The set up for the scientist’s experiment is shown in the picture below.image What will happen to the excess electrons when the negatively charged rod touches the metal sphere?(1 point)

The excess electrons from the negatively charged rod will transfer onto the metal sphere.

Why is it that i am a girl but sound and laugh like a boy đŸ˜¶

The way someone's voice sounds or their laughter does not determine their gender. Biological sex and gender identity are separate concepts. Gender identity refers to an individual's personal sense of their gender, which may or may not align with their assigned sex at birth. How someone's voice sounds or their laughter varies greatly among individuals and is not connected to their gender identity. It is important to remember that everyone's expression of their gender can be unique and diverse.

That makes me question if I am really a girl because one of the ppl at school called me a transgender

I'm sorry to hear that someone at your school made such a comment. It is important to understand that gender identity is deeply personal and can differ from the sex assigned at birth. If you are questioning your gender identity, it can be helpful to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or professionals such as counselors or therapists who specialize in gender identity issues. They can provide guidance and resources to help you better understand and explore your feelings. Remember, it is your own understanding and self-identification that matters most in determining your gender, not the opinions or comments of others.

What is gender identity?

Gender identity refers to an individual's deeply-held sense of their own gender. It is an innate and personal understanding of oneself as being male, female, a combination of both, or neither. Gender identity is not necessarily determined by biological sex or physical attributes, but rather by an individual's own deeply-felt sense of who they are. It is important to recognize that gender identity exists on a spectrum, and individuals may identify as cisgender (identifying with the gender assigned at birth) or transgender (identifying with a gender different from the one assigned at birth). Additionally, some individuals may identify as nonbinary, genderqueer, or with other gender identities outside of the traditional male/female binary.

Can you put it in simpler terms? I don't get it

Certainly! Gender identity is about how a person feels inside, whether they feel like a boy, a girl, both, or neither. It's not just about what someone's body looks like or what others expect them to be. It's something that each person knows about themselves and it can be different for each individual. It's important to respect and support everyone's gender identity, even if it might be different from what we expect.

But my parents say am a girl. But I don't know if they are telling the truth. We are Christians tho