A scientist is researching what happens when a neutral metal sphere located on an insulated stand is touched by a negatively charged rod. The set up for the scientist’s experiment is shown in the picture below. What will happen to the excess electrons when the negatively charged rod touches the metal sphere? (1 point) Responses The excess electrons will move from the sphere to the rod and spread out. The excess electrons will move from the sphere to the rod and spread out. The excess electrons will move from the rod to the sphere and stay close together. The excess electrons will move from the rod to the sphere and stay close together. The excess electrons will move from the sphere to the rod and stay close together. The excess electrons will move from the sphere to the rod and stay close together. The excess electrons will move from the rod to the sphere and spread out. The excess electrons will move from the rod to the sphere and spread out. Skip to navigation

The excess electrons will move from the sphere to the rod and spread out.

Are you SURE?

Apologies for the repetition in my previous response. To clarify, when the negatively charged rod touches the metal sphere, the excess electrons will actually move from the rod to the sphere and spread out. This is because electrons are negatively charged and will move towards a region of lower charge.

To answer this question, we need to understand what happens when a negatively charged rod touches a neutral metal sphere. When the negatively charged rod touches the metal sphere, electrons will flow from one object to the other until both objects reach equilibrium.

In this case, since the rod has a negative charge and the metal sphere is neutral, the excess electrons on the rod will move to the metal sphere. When the excess electrons move from the rod to the sphere, they will spread out and distribute themselves evenly across the surface of the sphere.

So, the correct statement is:

The excess electrons will move from the rod to the sphere and spread out.

Therefore, the response option should be: The excess electrons will move from the rod to the sphere and spread out.