When John Buckingham moved across the country to take a new job, he didn’t expect to run into much difficulty.He would be doing the same kind of work he was used to doing, just for a new company.But when he arrived on his first day, he realized there was more for him to adjust to than he had realized.
Clearly, John had moved to a region where the culture was much more laid back and casual than he was used to.He showed up for his first day in his usual business suit only to find that almost all the other employees wore jeans, western shirts and cowboy boots.Many of them merely stared awkwardly when they first saw John, and then hurriedly tried to look busy while avoiding eye contact.
John got the message. On his second day at work John also wore jeans and a casual shirt, although he didn’t yet own a pair of cowboy boots.He found that people seemed more relaxed around him, but that they continued to treat him warily.It would be several weeks-after he’d gone out and bought boots and started wearing them to work-before certain people warmed up to John enough to even talk to him

1-What does the behavior of John’s co-workers toward John suggest about their attributions for his initial manner of dress?
2-Describe the kind of biases that might have affected John’s co-workers as they formed impressions of him on his first day.Could they have been using a faulty schema to understand him? Is there evident of the halo effect?
3-Explain why John changed his manner of dress so soon after starting his new job. What processes were likely involved in his decision to do so.
4-John’s co-workers seemed very hesitant to warm up to John. How would you explain to John their initial reluctance to like him very much ?
5-If you were the Human Resources director for this company, what strategies could you employ to prevent experiences like John’s? How would you justify the implementation of these strategies to the company president?

1- The behavior of John's co-workers suggests that they attributed his initial manner of dress to being out of place or not fitting in with the laid-back and casual culture of the company. They may have seen his business suit as a sign that he didn't understand or adapt to the company's norms and expectations.

2- Biases that might have affected John's co-workers as they formed impressions of him could include the "similar-to-me" bias, where people tend to like and trust those who are similar to themselves. They may have also had a faulty schema, expecting employees to dress a certain way and assuming that those who don't fit that expectation may not align with the company culture. There could also be evidence of the halo effect, where the initial impression of John in his business suit influenced their overall perception of him, possibly leading to suspicion or hesitation in interacting with him.

3- John changed his manner of dress so soon after starting his new job likely because he recognized that his initial business suit attire was not aligning with the company culture and was causing him to be treated warily. He likely wanted to fit in, be accepted, and build positive relationships with his co-workers. The processes involved in his decision could include social comparison, where he observed and compared his attire to his co-workers, and self-monitoring, where he adjusted his behavior to conform to the expectations of the social environment.

4- The initial reluctance of John's co-workers to like him could be due to a combination of unfamiliarity, suspicion, and a sense of being different. They may have been unsure of his intentions, questioned his commitment to the company, or felt uneasy about interacting with someone who seemed to stand out. It is also possible that they may have formed initial judgments and stereotypes based on his appearance.

5- As the Human Resources director, strategies that could be employed to prevent experiences like John's could include:

- Implementing an onboarding program that includes information about the company culture, dress code, and expectations regarding attire.
- Providing employees with a clear understanding of the company's values and how they are reflected in behaviors and appearance.
- Encouraging open communication and creating opportunities for team-building and socialization to foster a sense of inclusion and acceptance.
- Conducting diversity and inclusion training to promote understanding, empathy, and appreciation for different backgrounds and perspectives.
- Regularly evaluating and updating the company's policies and practices to ensure they align with the evolving cultural norms and preferences.
- Justifying the implementation of these strategies to the company president could involve demonstrating the potential benefits, such as improved employee morale and engagement, increased creativity and innovation, better teamwork and collaboration, and a positive impact on the company's reputation and employer brand. Emphasizing the importance of inclusivity, diversity, and creating a positive work environment can also be highlighted, as these factors contribute to attracting and retaining talent.