Venus is approximately 67,000,000 miles from the Sun. Earth is approximately 26,000,000 miles from Venus. Approximately how many miles is Earth from the Sun

To find the distance between Earth and the Sun, we need to add the distance between Earth and Venus to the distance between Venus and the Sun.

Earth is approximately 26,000,000 miles from Venus.

Venus is approximately 67,000,000 miles from the Sun.

So, Earth is approximately 26,000,000 + 67,000,000 = 93,000,000 miles from the Sun. Answer: \boxed{93,000,000}.

The distance from Venus to the sun is about 67,000,000 miles. The distance from Earth to the sun is about 2.6×107 farther. What is the distance from Earth to the sun? Write your answer in scientific notation to 1 decimal place.

If the distance from Venus to the Sun is 67,000,000 miles, and the distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately 2.6 × 10^7 times farther, we can calculate the distance from Earth to the Sun by multiplying:

67,000,000 miles × 2.6 × 10^7 = 1.742 × 10^15 miles

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately 1.742 × 10^15 miles.

Write your answer in scientific notation to 1 decimal place.

Apologies for the oversight.

The distance from Earth to the Sun, in scientific notation to 1 decimal place, is approximately 1.7 × 10^15 miles.

1.7 * 10^7

1.7 * 10^7 is equal to 17,000,000.