A caterpillar can crawl 1/2 of an inch in 1/4 of a minute. How far can he crawl in 1 minute? (1 point)

• 1 inch
O - inch
© 2 inches
O - inches

To find out how far the caterpillar can crawl in 1 minute, we can set up a proportion.

Let x be the distance the caterpillar can crawl in 1 minute.

The ratio of distance to time for the caterpillar is 1/2 inch per 1/4 minute.

So the proportion can be set up as:

1/2 inch / 1/4 minute = x inch / 1 minute

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

(1/2 inch) * (1 minute) = (1/4 minute) * x inch

1/2 inch * 1 minute = 1/4 minute * x inch

1/2 = 1/4 x

Multiplying both sides by 4:

4 * (1/2) = 4 * (1/4) x

2 = x

Therefore, the caterpillar can crawl 2 inches in 1 minute.