By what means did Zhou rulers keep control over all the different regions of their kingdom?

(1 point)

by keeping a strong army ready to put down any rebellion

by keeping a strong army ready to put down any rebellion

by treating the people with kindness and respect

by treating the people with kindness and respect

by starting a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius

by starting a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius

by putting family members in charge of individual regions

by putting family members in charge of individual regions

The Zhou rulers kept control over all the different regions of their kingdom through various means. One way was by keeping a strong army ready to put down any rebellion. Another approach was by treating the people with kindness and respect. They also established a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius, where educated individuals would serve in administrative positions to help govern the different regions. Additionally, the Zhou rulers maintained control by placing family members in charge of individual regions, ensuring loyalty and maintaining centralized authority.