Compare a virus to a unicellular organism.(1 point)


Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.
Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.

Neither unicellular organisms nor viruses respond to stimuli.
Neither unicellular organisms nor viruses respond to stimuli.

Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.
Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.

Viruses need energy; unicellular organisms do not need energy.
pick one

None of these statements accurately compare viruses to unicellular organisms. A more accurate comparison would be:

Viruses reproduce by infecting a host cell and hijacking its reproductive machinery, while unicellular organisms reproduce through binary fission or other forms of asexual reproduction.

Both viruses and unicellular organisms can respond to stimuli, although unicellular organisms have more complex mechanisms for doing so.

Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer, while viruses have a protein coat (capsid) that encloses their genetic material.

Both viruses and unicellular organisms require energy to carry out their metabolic processes.