What is a Virus Quick Check

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Compare a virus to a unicellular organism.(1 point)

Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.
Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.

Neither unicellular organisms nor viruses respond to stimuli.
Neither unicellular organisms nor viruses respond to stimuli.

Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.
Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.

Viruses need energy; unicellular organisms do not need energy.

Viruses do not need energy; unicellular organisms require energy for survival.

Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.

To compare a virus to a unicellular organism, we need to understand the characteristics of both.

Firstly, a virus is a microscopic infectious agent that cannot reproduce on its own. It requires a host cell to replicate itself. Viruses reproduce through a process called asexual reproduction, where they inject their genetic material into the host cell and take control of its machinery to produce more viruses.

On the other hand, a unicellular organism is a living organism that consists of only one cell. Examples of unicellular organisms include bacteria and protists. Unicellular organisms are capable of independent reproduction by various methods such as binary fission, budding, or spore formation. They do not require a host cell to reproduce.

Based on these characteristics, let's evaluate the provided responses:

1. "Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell."
This response correctly highlights the difference between viruses and unicellular organisms. Viruses require a host cell for replication, whereas unicellular organisms can reproduce independently.

2. "Neither unicellular organisms nor viruses respond to stimuli."
This response is incorrect. Unicellular organisms, just like most living organisms, respond to stimuli from their environment. Viruses, on the other hand, do not have the capability to respond to stimuli.

3. "Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat."
This response correctly distinguishes the cellular structure of unicellular organisms and viruses. Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane composed of a lipid bilayer, while viruses have a protein coat called a capsid.

4. "Viruses need energy; unicellular organisms do not need energy."
This response is incorrect. Both viruses and unicellular organisms require energy to carry out their respective processes. Viruses utilize the energy of the host cell they infect, while unicellular organisms generate energy through various metabolic processes.

Based on the explanations provided, the most accurate answer would be:
- Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.