why would an army want control of a town like savannah

There are several reasons why an army might want control of a town like Savannah:

1. Strategic location: Savannah is situated on the coast of Georgia and has a deepwater port. As a result, it can serve as a vital hub for transportation, logistics, and supply lines. Controlling the town allows the army to establish a base to receive and distribute resources, equipment, and reinforcements efficiently.

2. Economic resources: Savannah is a major economic center, hosting a range of industries including shipping, manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism. By taking control of the town, the army gains access to these economic resources, which can provide financial support and allow for the exploitation of local industries to sustain their military efforts.

3. Communication and connectivity: Savannah's infrastructure, such as roads, railways, and telecommunication networks, enhances connectivity and communication between different regions. Seizing control of the town helps an army establish its command and control infrastructure, improving coordination and facilitating communication with other units.

4. Symbolic value: Some towns or cities might have symbolic significance, representing cultural, historical, or political importance. Savannah, for example, is known for its rich history, including its role in the American Revolutionary War and the American Civil War. Control of such towns can be used as a means to demonstrate power, heritage, or control over a specific territory.

5. Population control and influence: By controlling a town like Savannah, an army can exert control over the local population, monitor their activities, and maintain law and order. Furthermore, the occupying army can influence or exploit the population by utilizing local labor, resources, or recruiting local support.

Overall, gaining control of a town like Savannah provides a military force with strategic, economic, symbolic, and population control advantages that align with its objectives and interests.