
Use the table to answer the question.
Houston, Texas: 2020 Population
Ethnicity Percent of Population
Hispanic or Latino 44.5
White 24.1
Black 22.8
Asian 6.9
Two or More Races 7.0
The table provides evidence that could be cited to support which of the following statements?
(1 point)
Houston is rapidly becoming a very diverse city.
White people make up a majority of the population of Houston.
Asian people living in Houston have a lower median income than the national average.
Hispanics are the single largest ethnic group in Houston.

The table provides evidence that Hispanics are the single largest ethnic group in Houston.

A) What is cultural diffusion? (1 point)

the spreading of culture over space to other locations through communication, trade, and migration
the disappearance of a culture over time
the location where new cultural practices originate
an area where most places share similar attributes in comparison with the surrounding areas

The correct answer is: the spreading of culture over space to other locations through communication, trade, and migration.

A) Describe a key difference between urban and rural economies. (1 point)

Rural areas receive more attention from government officials than urban areas.
Rural areas have more diversified economies than urban areas.
Rural areas tend to have higher GDP per capita.
Urban areas tend to have greater population density

A key difference between urban and rural economies is that urban areas tend to have greater population density.

Which of the following is a problem associated with mega cities?(1 point)


inefficiencies from not being able to provide services in bulk
inefficiencies from not being able to provide services in bulk

concentration of demand for water
concentration of demand for water

lack of political power
lack of political power

lack of agricultural labor 

To answer the question, we can look at the information provided in the table. According to the table, the ethnic group with the highest percentage of the population in Houston is Hispanics or Latinos with 44.5%. This means that Hispanics are the largest ethnic group in Houston, which supports the statement that "Hispanics are the single largest ethnic group in Houston." Therefore, the correct answer is D) Hispanics are the single largest ethnic group in Houston.