The distance between two village on a map is 6.8cm.what is the actual distance between the two villages on land if the scale is 1:50,000 and the actual distance two towns on land is 300km.what is the length in cm on a map

To find the length in cm on the map, we need to consider the scale. The given scale is 1:50,000, which means that 1 cm on the map represents 50,000 cm in real life.

The actual distance between the two villages on land is 300 km, which is equal to 300,000 meters.

To find the length in cm on the map, we can set up a proportion:

1 cm (on the map) / 50,000 cm (in real life) = x cm (on the map) / 300,000 cm (in real life)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

50,000x = 1 * 300,000
50,000x = 300,000

Dividing both sides by 50,000, we find:

x = 6

Therefore, the length in cm on the map is 6 cm.