when might a reader create an outline?

A reader might create an outline when they are:

1. Starting to read a complex or lengthy text: Outlining can help readers get an overview of the main ideas and structure of the text before delving into the details.

2. Preparing to write or give a summary: Outlining can help readers organize their thoughts and identify key points to include in a summary or presentation.

3. Studying for an exam or conducting research: Outlining can help readers categorize and organize information, making it easier to review and understand later.

4. Analyzing and critically evaluating a text: Outlining can aid readers in identifying the main arguments, evidence, and logical connections within a text, helping them to engage with the ideas more deeply.

5. Planning a response or formulating questions: Outlining can serve as a brainstorming tool, helping readers generate ideas and structure their thoughts before engaging in a discussion or writing a response.