In three sentences describe two impacts of obtaining nonrenewable resources and how these have been affected by increasing population.

One impact of obtaining nonrenewable resources is the depletion of these resources, leading to their eventual scarcity and limited availability. This has been exacerbated by increasing population, as more people demand and consume these resources. Additionally, the extraction and use of nonrenewable resources contribute to environmental degradation, such as air and water pollution, which in turn negatively affects the growing population's health and well-being.

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Obtaining nonrenewable resources depletes them and reduces their availability, which is intensified by a growing population. This extraction also leads to environmental degradation, adversely impacting the health and well-being of the increasing population.

In three sentences, describe how a person can reduce consumption of natural resources when drinking water. Assume that there is no change in the amount of water consumed and that the change is only in the way water is produced.(4 points)

One way to reduce consumption of natural resources when drinking water is by using a reusable water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottles. This eliminates the need for resource-intensive manufacturing and disposal of plastic bottles. Additionally, opting for tap water and using water filtration systems at home can help reduce reliance on bottled water, which requires significant natural resources to produce and transport.

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To reduce consumption of natural resources when drinking water, use a reusable water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottles and rely on tap water with home filtration systems to avoid bottled water and its resource-intensive production and transportation.