In three to five sentences, describe two impacts of obtaining nonrenewable resources and how these have been affected by increasing population. (4 points)

One impact of obtaining nonrenewable resources is the environmental damage caused by mining, drilling, and extraction, which can result in habitat destruction and pollution. With increasing population, there is greater demand for these resources, which can exacerbate this damage. Another impact is the depletion of finite resources, such as fossil fuels, which can lead to energy shortages and price increases. As populations continue to grow, the pressure on nonrenewable resources will only increase, making it even more crucial to develop sustainable alternatives.

In order to expand agriculture and stimulate a sagging economy, the Brazilian government eased environmental laws which allowed large tracts of rainforest to be cut down or burned. In three to five sentences, construct a potential chain of consequences for what can happen as a result of this kind of deforestation. The chain does not have to be linear (ie., five steps in a row), but can have several branches, one for each different potential consequence. Your chain should include at least four steps, including the original event. (4 points)

1. Eased environmental laws lead to large-scale deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.

2. The loss of trees results in decreased carbon sequestration and increased greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change and its associated impacts such as extreme weather events, sea level rise, and loss of biodiversity.
3. Deforestation also results in a loss of habitat for indigenous communities and species, leading to a decline in biodiversity and potential conflicts with communities.
4. Without the rainforest's water recycling system, regional weather patterns may shift, affecting agriculture and potentially causing droughts or floods. The loss of the Amazon's primary function as a carbon sink also may lead to a "tipping point" where deforestation can cause a collapse in the region's ecosystems, making it difficult for the forest to regenerate.

In three to five sentences, describe how a person can reduce consumption of natural resources when drinking water. Assume that there is no change in the amount of water consumed and that the change is only in the way water is produced. (4 points)

A person can reduce consumption of natural resources while drinking water by investing in a water filtration system or using a reusable water bottle. This reduces the need for single-use plastic water bottles, which require resources to produce and often end up in landfills. Additionally, turning off the tap while brushing teeth or doing dishes reduces water waste, conserving water resources and reducing the energy needed to treat and transport it.

A city planner is designing a new apartment complex. The complex will have several apartment buildings as well as a paved parking area for residents. In one to two sentences, describe two ways the planner can help minimize the human impact of the apartment complex on the environment. (2 points)

The city planner can help minimize the human impact of the apartment complex on the environment by incorporating green space or green roofs into the design, which can help absorb rainwater and reduce heat island effects. Additionally, the planner can encourage the use of sustainable and local building materials to reduce the carbon footprint of construction.