Word formation for ribs and meaning in medical terms

In medical terms, the word "ribs" pertains to the long, curved bones found in the chest area of vertebrates, enclosing and protecting the heart and lungs.

Word formations related to ribs are as follows:

1. Ribcage: refers to the structure formed by the ribs, breastbone, and associated cartilages.
2. Rib fracture: a break or crack in one or more ribs.
3. Costochondritis: an inflammation of the cartilage that connects the rib to the breastbone, resulting in chest pain.
4. Rib dislocation: occurs when one or more ribs become displaced from their normal position.
5. Rib subluxation: a partial dislocation of one or more ribs, causing pain and discomfort.

Note: Medical terms and their meanings may vary depending on specific contexts and medical specialties. It's always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and information.