Word formation for tongue and the meaning in medical terms

Tongue - Noun

- Tongueless (adjective) - lacking a tongue
- Tongue-tied (adjective) - having difficulty speaking or articulating words
- Tongue-in-cheek (adjective) - not meant to be taken seriously, often with a sarcastic or humorous intent
- Tongue-in-groove (adjective) - referring to a joint or connection formed by a groove and tongue mechanism
- Tongueless (adjective) - lacking a tongue

In medical terms:
- Lingual (adjective) - related to or pertaining to the tongue
- Glossitis (noun) - inflammation of the tongue
- Ankyloglossia (noun) - a condition where the tongue is partially or fully fused to the floor of the mouth, commonly known as "tongue-tie"
- Hypoglossal (adjective) - related to the hypoglossal nerve, which controls the movement of the tongue
- Macroglossia (noun) - an abnormal enlargement of the tongue
- Glossodynia (noun) - a condition characterized by persistent pain or burning sensation in the tongue