Word formation for lips and the meaning in medical terms

The medical term for lips is labia or labium.

Word formation related to lips in medical terms:
1. Cheiloplasty: It refers to a surgical procedure to repair or reshape the lips.
2. Cheilitis: It is the inflammation of the lips, which can be caused by various factors such as infections, allergies, or certain medications.
3. Lipoma: It is a noncancerous growth of fat cells that can occur anywhere in the body, including the lips.
4. Angular cheilitis: This condition is characterized by inflammation and cracking at the corners of the mouth or lips.
5. Labioplasty: It denotes a surgical procedure to reshape or reduce the size of the labia (lips) of the female external genitalia.
6. Melanoma: This term refers to a type of skin cancer that may develop on the lips or other areas exposed to the sun.
7. Cleft lip: It describes a birth defect where there is a split or opening in the upper lip, resulting in an incomplete fusion during fetal development.