Word formation for forehead and the meaning in medical terms

Word Formation for Forehead:

1. Forehead (original word)
2. Foreheaded (adjective form)
3. Foreheadless (adjective form)

Meaning in Medical Terms:
Forehead - The part of the face between the eyebrows and the hairline, covering the frontal bone of the skull.

Medical conditions related to the forehead:
1. Forehead Injury - any trauma or damage to the forehead.
2. Sinusitis - inflammation or infection of the sinuses, which are located in the forehead, behind the eyebrows.
3. Temporal arteritis - inflammation of the temporal arteries, which may cause headaches and pain in the forehead area.
4. Forehead acne - acne breakouts specifically on the forehead area.
5. Forehead osteoma - a benign bone tumor that develops on the forehead.