Word formation for mouth and the meaning in medical terms

Word formation for "mouth":

1. Mouthful: a quantity of food or drink that can be put in the mouth at one time.
2. Mouthpiece: a part of a musical instrument, telephone, or other device that is placed over or against the mouth.
3. Mouthwatering: (of food or drink) causing great appetite or interest; delicious.
4. Mouthguard: a rubber or plastic device that is worn in the mouth to protect the teeth and gums during sports activities.
5. Mouthwash: a liquid preparation used for rinsing the mouth, typically to freshen the breath or reduce bacteria.

Meaning in medical terms:
In medical terms, the mouth is the anatomical structure that serves as the entrance of the respiratory tract and digestive system in humans and many other animals. It is responsible for various functions such as eating, speaking, and drinking. The mouth is composed of different components, including the lips, tongue, teeth, gums, and salivary glands. Common medical conditions related to the mouth include oral diseases, dental issues, infections, and oral cancer.