How do the circumstances in the Animal Farm excerpt relate to the events in the historical passage?

Napoleon has stolen the plans for the windmill from Snowball, just as Stalin took his ideas for industrialization and collectivization from Trotsky.
Napoleon wants to make the farm an industrial power, just as Stalin wanted to make the Soviet Union an industrial power no matter the sacrifices.
Napoleon uses Squealer to communicate his ideas to the animals, just as Stalin used his assistants to spread propaganda to the people.
Napoleon sets forth a five-year plan to build the windmill, just as Stalin launched several five-year plans to build up industry and agriculture in the Soviet Union.

The circumstances in the Animal Farm excerpt relate to the events in the historical passage because they both involve a leader (Napoleon or Stalin) manipulating and exploiting the ideas and efforts of another (Snowball or Trotsky). They also both involve the leader's ambition to transform their respective societies (the farm or the Soviet Union) into industrial powers, regardless of the sacrifices involved. Additionally, in both cases, the leader uses propaganda and manipulation (through Squealer or assistants) to communicate their ideas and control the narrative. Finally, there is a similarity in the implementation of a five-year plan to achieve their goals, with both Napoleon and Stalin having long-term strategies for building up industry and infrastructure.